Welcome to QueerJS


📎How do I speak at QueerJS?

We'd love for you to speak at a meetup! Please see Speaking at QueerJS for more information about how you can propose a talk to a future iteration of QueerJS.

📎How can I get involved?

There are a lot of ways you could get involved with QueerJS! See Getting Involved for more information.

📎Where does QueerJS happen?

We have a bunch of meetups being planned online and all over the globe 🌍 You can check the Cities page for a list of the upcoming (and past) meetups.

📎Can I print and redistribute the meetup stickers?

Yes! They're all open source and you can find them in our Brand Assets repository on GitHub.

📎Any other questions?

Please open an issue, send us a message on Twitter, or email us at hello@queerjs.com!